We woke up this morning in Soutpan after a great nights rest. Last night we had homemade venison pie with sweet potato and green beans with koeksisters for dessert. Definitely a highlight of the trip thus far. It’s quite chilly and we decided not to make the same mistake as yesterday and layer up before we went for breakfast. After a wholesome cheese and ham omelette we set off towards Nieu Bethesda.
Our route will take use via Phillipolis, Colesburg and Middelburg. Yesterday we sat contemplating whether we should just make a run for it on the freeway or if we should stick to the backroads. The reason we were even thinking about this was because taking the back roads could make it quite a long day with around 7 hours of riding. This morning we decided to stick to the back roads.
Our first 50km was gravel and after the heavy rains we had to navigate some ruts and mud pools but still a very nice road.

The road to Jagersfontein does not deviate from the straight and narrow for kilometer on end with very little other vehicles.

We turn of towards Trompsburg and the road becomes very bumpy, making me look forward to the junctions that will take us into Philipollis. Little did I know that it would become even worse but we eventually make it for a well deserved lunch at the Pitstop.

The only petrol station closed down and I asked one of the locals where the closest station would. I do this without me getting off the bike or him getting of his porch.

Turns out we could get petrol at the local farmers co-op but as luck would have it a fuel truck just pulled in to fill up the tanks so it will take a while. Time to fill up from the jerry cans and then we make a quick detour to the local jail which has been converted into sleeping quarters, you pay to sleep in one of the cells.

From Philipollis we head towards Colesburg (the traditional halfway point between Johannesburg and Cape town). Here we get back onto the freeway for the last stretch to Nieu Bethesda. After a quick stop at Jagtfontein we peel of onto the Owl Route that will take us over the Witnek pass to our final destination.

We arrive in Nieu Bethesda just before 5pm after an 8 hour day.

After a great dinner with Ryno, Alpha, Charles and Brian we had a quick nightcap before getting some rest.

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