Koster to Home: 165 Km
There is the faint sound of water dripping on the roof when we woke up and looking at the clock it is later than I thought. Yip, it is overcast with a drizzle. Nothing too hectic at the moment but when I look at the clouds and listen to the distant rumbling of thunder I do not have any doubts that we will get wet on our last 165 km.

As usual, the last day of a trip is one of mixed emotions. Sad because it is coming to an end and happy because home will always be home. A positive thing about the roads we will ride today is that it is tarmac. A negative thing about the roads we will ride today is that it is tarmac.

By the time we reach Derby the roads are properly wet. It would seem like the storm passed just ahead of us but we are catching it. I stop to put on my rain gear, Izabel insists that she is good. Just a few kilometers later I pull over again for her to put on her rain suit. Just minutes down the road we ride into the storm. Water is streaming across the road and fills potholes, of which there are many. This makes it very dodgy because you only see the hole, if you are lucky when you are on it.

Just before we enter Magaliesburg the weather clears up and we ride the last few kilometers in nice cool weather.

There are some telltale signs that you are back in the seat of corruption, or as it is otherwise known, Gauteng. One of these signs is the way other road users treat you. Like those 4×4 drivers who kit their steeds out with every conceivable gadget they can afford and then use it in the shopping mall parking garage. Much like Willie Windgat who cannot wait for you to pass a truck and try to push you out of the way and as he passes you notice this sticker – ‘You can go fast, I can go anywhere’. NEE jou fokken poepol, I can go anywhere, you can just afford the toys to make it look like you can. But then you also get the nice people who slow down, smile, wave and give a thumbs up. I prefer to remember them while Willie gets stuck on the shopping mall curb or dents a rim going through the pothole in front of his house.

This has been another great trip and Putin took us there and back safely. We traveled just under 4000 kilometers with no major issues. This weekend Putin will receive the TLC he deserves and get ready for the next one.

13 December, 2022 at 11:23
Nice one guys!!
Thanks for the trip … enjoyed it ..and saved some petrol too… but would rarther have spent the money!
13 December, 2022 at 11:35
Thanks Trevor. See you on the next one 😉
11 December, 2022 at 11:20
Home sweet home