So it is getting close to crunch time with only 3 days before we set off on our adventure. The weather is weird. We are expecting to get some rain during the first week but then we should go into the winter rainfall area as we head down the West coast. Looking at it now it seems like we might have rain there too but there is still time so we’ll see.
I’ve made some tweaks to the route again and extended our, already long day 12. So our longest day for distance and time has changed. Below are the updated stats:
- Average estimated speed = 80Km/h
- Average estimated distance traveled per day =
348km 351km356Km - Longest distance per day =
439km465km - Shortest distance per day =
218km203km - Estimated total distance =
5570km 6685km6768km - Total Travel Time:
80h54m96h39m99h28m - Average Daily Travel Time:
5h03m 5h05m5h14m - Estimated duration =
19 days21 days - Estimated fuel consumption = 10l/km
- Estimated cost = PRICELESS
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